Monday, August 30, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 30th, 2021


Josh & Lew had a wonderful last day with Captain Packrat, they brought in 2 halibut, 2 rockfish, 9 silvers (11.8#, 10.6#), 1 sablefish, and 3 pink salmon!
Aaron & Jessica had a nice day with Captain Johnny, they caught a 10.2# silver in the morning and finished off the day with 2 halibut.
Elisha & Mike had a great start to their trip, they brought in 3 silvers (9.1#), 2 rockfish, 1 pacific cod & 4 pink salmon!
Dan & Marilyn had a nice first day with Captain Snapper, they hauled in 10 silvers (11.1#, 10#), 1 pink salmon, and 2 rockfish!
Ann & Doug had a fantastic first day with Captain Old Spice, they filled the hooks with 11 silvers, 2 halibut, 2 rockfish, and 4 sablefish!
Nathan & Kim had another successful day with Captain Birdman, they brought back 11 silvers (10.8#, 10#), 2 rockfish, and 1 pacific cod!
Johanna & Kevin had a great start to their trip with Captain Boots, they returned with 8 silvers (9.8#, 9.7#) and 1 pink salmon.
Paul, Shawn & Gerald had a good first day with Captain Junkyard, they came in with 6 silvers (9#), 1 halibut, and 3 rockfish (6.1#)!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 29th, 2021


Kim & Nathan had another good day with Captain Birdman, they brought in 2 silvers (7.3#, 6.7#), 1 pacific cod, 1 rockfish, and 9 pink salmon!

Josh & Lewis had a great day with Captain Packrat, they came in with 2 halibut (10#), 2 rockfish, 2 pink salmon, and 6 silvers (9#, 10.5#)!

Jessica & Aaron started their day with Captain Johnny and brought in 2 halibut (28.6#), 3 silvers (10.6#), and 1 pink salmon. After lunch they came in with 3 silvers (10#, 9.5#)!
Sean & Cory came in today with 1 halibut and 1 rockfish on Captain Forest’s boat.

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 28th, 2021


Josh & Lew had a nice start to their day with Captain Packrat, they came in with 3 silvers (9.6#), and 6 pink salmon in the morning. In the afternoon, Josh brought in a 19.8# halibut!
Kim & Nathan brought in 2 silvers (4.8#), and 1 pink salmon on Captain Birdman’s boat.
John, Thomas & Tom spent their last day with Captain Snapper and brought back 2 silvers (9.2#), 1 pacific cod, 1 halibut (6.1#), and 3 pink salmon!
Sean & Cory spent the day with Captain Forest and brought in 1 silver.
Steve & Kathleen finished off their last day strong with Captain Boots, they hauled in 8 silvers (8.9#, 10.1#), and 4 pink salmon!
Jody & Max brought in 2 silvers (5.3#), and 1 pink salmon on Captain Junkyard’s boat.
Matt & Josh had a great last day with Captain Old Spice, they came in with 2 halibut, 2 silvers, 2 pink salmon, and 2 rockfish!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 27th, 2021


Laura & John finished off their last day with Captain Spiderman and brought in a 75 pound halibut, 2 rockfish, 1 pink salmon and 1 more halibut!

Patti, Lonnie, Jody & Max had a great day with Captain Junkyard, they came in with 1 silver (10.9#), 4 rockfish (6.4#) & 2 halibut (31#)!

John, Tom & Thomas had a nice day with Captain Snapper, they returned with 5 silvers (8.6#), 2 halibut (11.8#), 1 pink salmon, 5 black cod & 1 rockfish!
Jessica & Aaron spent their morning with Captain Johnny and brought in 3 pink salmon.
Nathan & Kim enjoyed their day with Captain Birdman, they came in with 1 ling cod (6.8#), 2 halibut, 1 rockfish & 1 pink salmon.
Josh & Matt spent their day with Captain Old Spice and hauled in 2 halibut (15.7#), 3 silvers (12.1#), 1 pink salmon, 2 pacific cod & 2 silver grey rockfish!
Lisa & Gordon finished off their last day with Captain Packrat and brought back 6 silvers (9.2#, 8.8#), and 6 pink salmon.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 26th, 2021


Walt, John, Tom & Thomas had a great first day with Captain Snapper, they brought in 1 halibut (35.2#), 1 silver, 4 silver grey rockfish, 1 pink salmon & 1 black cod!
Matt & Josh started their trip with Captain Old Spice and came back with 2 silver grey rockfish, 2 halibut, 2 silvers (7.9#) & 5 pink salmon!
John & Captain Spiderman had another good day, they brought in 1 silver (9.8#), 1 halibut (21.8#), 5 pink salmon & 1 silver grey rockfish!
Lisa & Gordon had a nice morning with Captain Packrat, they started off with 1 rockfish and 4 pink salmon. After lunch they came in with 2 more rockfish (3.8#) & 1 silver.
Kathleen & Steve had a great start to their trip with Captain Boots, they brought in 3 pink salmon, 3 silvers (6.9#) & 1 silver grey rockfish!
Pattie, Lonnie, Jody & Max started their trip with Captain Junkyard and came back with 4 silver grey rockfish (7.1#), 1 halibut, 2 silvers (6.9#) & 4 pink salmon!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 25th, 2021


Lisa & Gordon had another great day with Captain Packrat, they brought in 5 silvers (7.7#),  7 pink salmon & 2 rockfish!
Laura & John spent their first day with Captain Spiderman and filled the hooks with 1 halibut (19#), 2 rockfish, 4 silvers & 5 pink salmon! 

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 24th, 2021


Jamie & Kurt had a great morning with Captain Snapper, they hauled in 4 silvers (8#), 3 pink salmon * 2 rockfish (7.1#)!
Ryan, Brian & Cole had a nice start to their day with Captain Junkyard, they brought in 3 rockfish (2.1#).
Brandon & Chad spent their morning with Captain Forest and came back with 1 rockfish, 1 flounder, and 1 halibut.
Lisa & Gordon spent their first day with Captain Packrat and brought in 1 silver (4.6#) and 8 pink salmon in the morning. After lunch they came back with 2 halibut (9.2#)!
Keith, Skye, Ken, Kannon, Kobin & Kalvin had a wonderful last day, they caught 2 silvers (9.6#), 2 halibut (6.4#, 5.8#) and 5 pink salmon!
Brian, Brandon & Cole had a fun afternoon with Captain Junkyard, they finished off their trip 1 halibut (25.1#) and 1 pacific cod!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Yes Bay Lodge Report: August 23rd, 2021


Kurt & Cole started their morning with Captain Forest and hauled in 1 halibut (46.5#), 7 pink salmon & 1 silver!
Chad, Ryan & Brian spent their morning with Captain Junkyard and came in with 3 silvers (11#, 9.5#, 7.5#), and 3 rockfish! 
Jamie & Brandon had a nice start to their day with Captain Snapper, they returned with 2 rockfish (4#), 2 pink salmon & 1 silver before lunch!
Skye & Kalvin had a great day with Captain Spiderman, they brought in 2 silver grey rockfish, 2 halibut, 1 silver (6.8#), 1 pacific cod & 2 pink salmon!
Keith & Kannon brought in 1 halibut (12.8#) and 1 pink salmon.
Kurt & Brian ended their day with 1 halibut (10.4#), 1 silver grey rockfish (4.8#), and 1 silver (11.2#).
Mary & Tom finished off their trip with Captain Old Spice, they came in with 4 silvers.
Jamie, Chad & Cole came back after lunch with 1 halibut (16.3#).
Ken & Kobin had a nice day with Captain Birdman and brought in 1 halibut, 4 silvers, 7 pink salmon & 2 rockfish!

Merry Christmas From Yes Bay Lodge